Lugar: Observatorio La Banderita, La Pampa
Ver Filtros
- Cúmulo Abierto
- Cúmulo Globular
- Estrellas
- Galaxia
- Nebulosa
- Nebulosa Oscura
- Nebulosa Planetaria
- Paisaje
- Remanente de Supernova
- Sistema Solar
- Time Lapse
- Tránsito ISS
- Trazos
- ASI 183-MC Color ZWO
- Canon 350 Digital Rebel - Filtro Type I
- Canon 5D Mark II Hutech
- Canon 5D Mark II Hutech
- Canon 6 D Hutech
- Canon EOS 40 D
- Lumenera SKYnyx 2
- Mini cámara 808 16
- QHY367C
- Coronado PST
- Epsilon 180 ED F2.8
- Lente Canon 200 mm F/2.8
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L 24mm
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L a 105
- Lente Rokinon 14 mm F 2.8
- Meade LX200 ACF 10 F10
- Meade LX200 ACF 10 F6.3
- Meade LX90
- Meade LX90 F10
- Meade LX90 F6,3
- Rokinon 14mm Canon 24-105
- sin tele
- Willam Optic FLT 98
- William Optics 80mm
- William Optics 80mm Barlow 2X
ACO S 373 o MCL 52 NGC 1365 / 16 in Fornax
B 205
B 211-13-14-16-17
B 283, M7 and B 287
B 31
B 60, 62, 63, 67, 75, and 77
B142-3 Barnard's E
B228 The Dark Wolf Nebula in Lupus
B42 IC 4606 Rho Ophiuchi
Barnar's Loop
Be 135
CG 8, 9, 10 in Puppis BBWO56
CG1 and CG2
CG13DN and IREC384
Collinder 411
CR 399
Dark Nebula in Luppus
Dark Tower Nebula
Dust and Gas in Chamaeleon
Dust and Gas in Chamaeleon Mosaic
Dust and Gas in Ophiuchus
Eridanus Loop
Eridanus Loop
ESO 309 16
Gum 15
Gum 15 and NGC 2626
HMSTG 8, 9, y 10
HMSTG25 and CG30, CG31
IC 1287 Blue Reflection Nebula
IC 2118 The Witch Head
IC 2118 The Witch Head
IC 2177 Seagul
IC 2395
IC 2631
IC 2631 zoom
IC 2631, Be 142 and SA 156
IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula
IC 434 Tres Marias y Horsehead
IC 443 Jellyfish Nebula
IC 447 and NGC 2264 and ngc 2261
IC 447 Dreyer's Nebula
IC 4603
IC 4633 and HMSTG 31
IC4592 and IC4601
Ldn 115 118 122 110 137 152 148 162 163
LDN 13 and LDN 20 Dark Nebula
LDN 134
LDN 137 LDN 163
LDN 1457
LDN 1615
LDN 1622 - 38 Barnards Loop an M78
LDN 1622 Lynds' Dark Nebula and Barnard's Loop
LDN 1634
LDN 1638
LDN 1641 1647 and vdB55
LDN 1662
LDN 1730
ldn 1750 1761 B 238
LDN 1780
LDN 238
Ldn 238 2
Ldn 263, 253 98 and M22
LDN 654
LDN 673 Dark Clouds in Aquila
LDN 795
M 107,LDN 156 and LDN 145
M 16 The Eagle Nebula
M 31 Andromeda Galaxy
M 83 Galaxy
M16 y M17 Eagle Nebula and Swan Nebula
M17 The Omega Nebula
M33 The Triangulum Pinwheel Galaxy
M45 Pleyades and Surroundings
M9, LDN 175 and LDN179
MBM 46
MBM 54 Integrated Flux Nebula and NGC 7497
NGC 1097
NGC 1097
NGC 1499 California Nebula
NGC 1623 and LDN 1652
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2225/6 and LDN 1651 1652 LBN1015
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet
NGC 2451 and 2477 Arround Nebula
NGC 2547 and Surroundings
NGC 5128 Centaurus A
NGC 5139 Omega Centauri
NGC 6070B MBM 38 and 39 dark nebula
NGC 6188 and Surroundings
NGC 6250
NGC 6281
NGC 6595 IC 1283, IC 1284 and IC 4700
NGC 6604 ldn 394 and 405
NGC 6727 and NGC 6723
NGC 6744
NGC 6822 IREC 36 nebula
NGC 6995 IC 1340 Veil Nebula
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula
NGC 7418 / 7421 IC 5269/70/73
NGC 7497
Observatorio La Banderita Trail
OLB 11 Nebula in Puppis
Orion Nebula M42
RCW 134 and Magakian 728
Rho Ophiuchi Nebula IC 4604
Riddler-NebulaLBN 906 and LBN 917
SA 156 Dark Nebula
Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
SDN 104 ,108, CG 14 HMSTG 26
SDN 104 PGC 21293 HMSTG26
SH" 308 The Dolphin Nebula
SH2 1 wild
SH2 13
Sh2 16
SH2 240 Simeis 147 or Spaghetti Nebula
SH2 263
Sh2 64 and LDN 572/70/78
SH2 68, LDN 578 and Sh2 64
SH2- 63 Diffuse nebula in Sagittarius Constellation
Sh2-239 ldn 1551 1543 ngc 1555
SH2-282 and CR 110
SH2-308 Bubble arround the Wolf-Rayet-Star
SL 17 NGC 6231, B 235 NGC 6249
SL25 Dark Nebula in Scorpius
SL4, Gum 15 and NGC 2626 Mosaic in Vela
SNR in Vela
The Dark Tower Nebula
The Large Magellanic Cloud,NGC 2070 and surroundings
The-Baby-Eagle-Nebula-(LBN-777) LDN 1489
Time Lapse OLB Observatorio la Banderita
Vela Remnant
Vela Supernova Remnant
Weak Nebula in Antlia
140 imágenes encontradas. Ver todas las imágenes.
Tipo de Objeto
- Listado Completo
- Time Lapse (2)
- Estrellas (3)
- Nebulosa (141)
- Galaxia (32)
- Cúmulo Abierto (10)
- Cúmulo Globular (22)
- Nebulosa Oscura (117)
- Nebulosa Planetaria (6)
- Remanente de Supernova (12)
- Sistema Solar (7)
- Trazos (3)
- Tránsito ISS (12)
- Paisaje (2)
- QHY367C (46)
- QHY367C PRO (32)
- Canon 5D Mark II Hutech (1)
- Mini cámara 808 16 (1)
- Canon 6 D Hutech (59)
- ASI 183-MC Color ZWO (8)
- Canon 350 Digital Rebel - Filtro Type I (41)
- Canon EOS 40 D (2)
- Canon 5D Mark II Hutech (50)
- Lumenera SKYnyx 2 (3)
Telescopio / Objetivo
- sin tele (1)
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L a 105 (2)
- Meade LX90 F10 (3)
- Meade LX90 F6,3 (1)
- Meade LX200 ACF 10' F10 (1)
- Lente Rokinon 14 mm F 2.8 (1)
- Meade LX200 ACF 10' F6.3 (6)
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L 24mm (1)
- Rokinon 14mm Canon 24-105 (1)
- Lente Canon 200 mm F/2.8 (11)
- William Optics 80mm Barlow 2X (2)
- Epsilon 180 ED F2.8 (170)
- Willam Optic FLT 98 (2)
- William Optics 80mm (32)
- Meade LX90 (9)
- Coronado PST (1)
- Lente Canon 24-105 mm L (3)
- Facundo Chubut Argentina (1)
- Atacama Desert Chile (1)
- Hacienda Los Andes Chile (3)
- Entre Rios, Argentina (1)
- Observatorio La Banderita, La Pampa (140)
- Intendente Alvear, La Pampa (84)
- Mercedes, Buenos Aires (1)
- Buenos Aires (12)
- Ciudad de Buenos Aires (4)
Constelación (10 principales)
- Scorpius (21)
- Ophiuchus (20)
- Orion (17)
- Sagittarius (14)
- Monoceros (13)
- Puppis (13)
- Vela (13)
- Eridanus (8)
- Chamaeleon (7)
- Taurus (7)
- ver todas